Saturday, August 30, 2008
Can't a guy just watch an episode of Hero's?
I vow to only have one post a day about how my kids are systematically breaking down my will to live. I seriously think they've come up with an intricate system of walkie talkies an in ear pieces to pull this off. Scenario...
"Mom and dad are trying to sit down for your stations...
Zeke, throw a fit about how the chicken enchilada doesn't look like "normal" chicken.
Sofia, climb on the table, ask to eat on everyone's lap, then go and harass your brother in his swing.
Que screaming from the swing Moses, and throw in a blowout in your diaper."
Scenario 2...
"Ok guys it's bedtime...Sofia, your roll tonight is to scream your head off for 45 minutes in your room as soon as you get put down...Zeke is going to master the I'm scared of something routine that was seriously an Oscar worthy performance...and Moses...act cool until mom and dad try to watch Hero's and then scream like your life is ending...and blow out your shorts on a consistent 30 minute basis."
"Does everyone understand their role?"
"If we exsecute this plan to and dad might actually go to the looney bin and we will have the house to ourselves!"
"'s been 2 hours and mom and dad are trying to know what to do!"
Sometimes ya gotta laugh to keep from cryin'.
Posted by
rev rock
7:23 AM
Labels: family
Friday, August 29, 2008
Have you been with Jesus?
Acts 4:13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
Man I want people to take note of that in my life. "There is absolutely nothing special about that Dan guy but crazy stuff happens around him all the time. I've heard he hangs out with Jesus a lot." Just one time I'd love to hear that!
Peter and John had just healed this guy that was lame since birth. How crazy is that? Why can't we really feel the weight of that today. Sometimes I read over scripture so quickly that events like that don't round house kick me in the face like they should.
Have I been with Jesus?
Have I asked God for anything this week that was impossible to pull off on my own strength?
Posted by
rev rock
11:28 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
It's 95 degrees outside right now.
Check the time stamp...
Posted by
rev rock
11:19 PM
Labels: environment
Quite a speech
Could of just been words but my kids were glued for half an hour! It's sayin' something if he can hold their attention. We'll have it on when McCain throws down. We'll see if he has the same impact. No comments about me rockin' the sweet rabbit ear antenna behind the tv.
Posted by
rev rock
8:09 PM
There is no one more amazing!
It's not our's not Alyssa's birthday...
The world just needs to know that there is no one more amazing than my wife.
She puts up with me and the crazy life we live after God.
She's an amazing mom to an awesome...out of control...5 year old...the sweetest...most destructive...19 month old you've ever met...and the coolest...most aggressive nursing and never wants to sleep...2 week old baby on the planet.
And on top of all that...she's totally bringin' sexy back!
Have no idea how she does it...I just know there is no way I could love her anymore than I do.
I don't say it enough.
You're asleep right now babe. I hope this post makes you smile today and helps you realize how much you mean to me. I couldn't imagine my life without you next to me!
Posted by
rev rock
7:21 AM
Labels: family
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Last Love and Respect Group last night
It was awesome!
So glad Alyssa and I had a chance to take a group of couples through that material.
Relationships were healed, tough issues were wrestled through.
I love the dynamics of Life Groups.
Real life stuff...working things out in community...that's what I want to give my life to.
Posted by
rev rock
12:39 PM
Labels: friends, relationships, The Stirring
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Staff meeting
We're at Yaks and it's freezing!
Jenna had some winter gear in her car to save the day.
Enough bloggin...back at it!
Posted by
rev rock
1:28 PM
Labels: The Stirring
Monday, August 25, 2008
Three kid Sabbath
Not as restful!
Moses didn't sleep at all last night.
Woke kids ready...ran off to get Zeke to school a little late...he's been doin' great!
Got home...put Sofia down for a nap...joined her...awesome!
Cleaned house up
Made lunch...Sofia got a hold of some cherries...stained face, hands and carpet...opps.
Picked up Zeke from school
Went to help Derrick move for a little bit
Spent some time on Skype with the McIntyres.
Rebecca brought us a Calzone the size of my oven for was amazing....thanks Rebecca.
Had the Osborne's over for some swimming.
Put kids down
Watched first two episodes of Heros...couldn't help it...we got caught up in the hype...we're hooked!
Posted by
rev rock
10:39 PM
Labels: entertainment, family, food, friends, Sabbath
Donald Miller is praying at the DNC
I like Miller and I like what he had to say in this article.
Sums up a lot of what I think about polarizing issues.
I'd love to hear your thoughts. Be nice!
Posted by
rev rock
3:42 PM
Labels: politics
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Blogging 101
So there are nights that you end up writing three posts (see 3 below) because you make a realization.
You start with the post that you really want...cute picture of your son...getting people involved in seeing who he looks like.
Then random thoughts shoot into your head...for some reason you're thinkin' about a Starbucks Vivannos and how you have crazy poops every time you drink you post about it of course!
Then you realize that you're going to sleep and there will be probably 20 hours before you post again and the only thing people are going to see for 20 hours is a post about explosive poop...not cool.
See, I've been at this long enough to know that there are passing posts and posts that you want to stick and have people wrestle with. You don't leave a colon cleansing post up for 20's a passing post.
So you're tired and you just want to go to bed but you realize for the sake of blogdom that you have to put up one more post...hence the Life Group Guy post.
This concludes my blog class today.
You will thank me later as you realize you have a post up with your cat that has alien eyes for two one wants that!
You're welcome.
Posted by
rev rock
7:39 AM
Labels: blog
Friday, August 22, 2008
Life Group Guy
I'm the Life Group guy at the Stirring. I think I'm gonna start going by "the LGG" or maybe "the notorious LGG"
That's means I wake up in the morning thinking about how we can put God on display in Redding by living out the radical community of Jesus.
Lots of peeps...two campuses...getting leaders...acting organized...keeping vision in front of people
We don't really do anything else at the Stirring so it's kind of a big deal.
We keep it simple...we do Life Groups...period.
It's crunch time coming into the fall.
It's pretty cool that my life has had a lot of space in it lately :)
Just feelin' it a little.
God's awesome...our groups are going to be amazing.
Can't wait to hear the stories!
Posted by
rev rock
11:08 PM
Labels: kingdom, ministry, The Stirring
Starbucks Vivanno = colon cleanse
I love me some Vivanno but has anyone else discovered the instant after effects. I've had enough now to know that the scoop of fiber they put in that bad boy is pretty potent. Mix one with an Americano and you have a deadly I've heard!
Posted by
rev rock
11:04 PM
Who does Moses look like?
Alright it's been over a week. He's gotten past the Mic Jagger, Gary Coleman look. He actually has his eyes open every once in a while and he's starting to have some expression. Who do you see? Moses definitely has my left elbow. Other than that I think it's all Alyssa. Let's hear it...
Posted by
rev rock
11:01 PM
Labels: family
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
2 more pounds!!!
177.6 this morning.
At the beginning of summer I weighed 194.5
My goal was to get to 175 by the end of summer.
I've got 10 days till August is's on.
I wore some size 34 jeans tonight that were cutting off my will to live 2 months ago and they were falling off me tonight...that felt good. I hadn't wore jeans in forever for obvious reasons but it really let me see the difference.
I will see 175 by August 31st...mark my words!
Posted by
rev rock
9:32 PM
Labels: health
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Thanks Emily!!!!
Here's some of my favorites. Go check out the rest of Emily's work.
Here's my favorite family pic
This picture sums up the family picture experience!
Who's the guy leaning against the purple wall with his thumb in his pocket?
This pic puts the rock in revrock!
Posted by
rev rock
8:37 PM
Labels: art / music, family, friends
What a difference a day makes!
Don't mind my sons Dumb and Dumber hair cut.
Zeke was awesome today at Kindergarten...praise Jesus!
He's an amazing kid...never a dull moment...he keeps me on my toes.
I was in meetings from 10-5 today talking about moving into the fall and church planting with our leadership at the Stirring.
To say there's a lot going on right now in my life doesn't quite paint the picture. Not complainin'...I'm lovin' it!
Posted by
rev rock
8:22 PM
Labels: current events, family, The Stirring
Monday, August 18, 2008
Crazy Sabbath
Moses isn't sleepin' much at night.
Up in the mornin' to hand out backpacks and supplies to students and gift cards to teachers at Cypress was excited about the ongoing relationship we have with them...the kids were freaking out!
Went from there to Zeke's orientation to Kindergarten...what the heck my kid is in kindergarten! He flipped out for 35 of the 40 minutes we stayed. Screaming and crying. All the other kids chill...hanging out with each other...I'm trying to shove donut holes in Zeke's mouth so he'll stop crying...hopefully tomorrow looks better.
Drove straight from there to have the end of Moses' wiener cut off at the doctors. (What point was God trying to make with circumcision?)
That was the crazy half of the day.
Got home...ate lunch...said goodbye to Alyssa's family...we all crash for nap.
Swim with Zeke.
Rosetta comes over with some pasta shells for dinner...out of this world...amazing Rosetta!
Kids in bed early.
Contemplate the severity of three kids...unbelievable!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Prego pics
Emily Faulknor took some shots of us pre-Moses.
Here's one of the shots. I'll post some more...they're amazing.
I haven't had anyone take pictures of Alyssa and I together on purpose since our wedding.
I know I have some San Diego folk that read this blog.
If you ever need some great work look up Emily. She's moving down there soon.
Posted by
rev rock
12:41 PM
Labels: art / music, family, friends
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Got the itch...
I've gotta start writing some music.
It's in my bones and when neglected I start going crazy.
There's nothin' really going on in my life right now :)
Seems like a great time to start!
Posted by
rev rock
2:52 PM
Labels: art / music
Friday, August 15, 2008
Visitor day
Lots of visitors today. Steve and Karen were heading back to Riverside from Oregon and they stopped by for a little bit. Micah and Elizabeth stopped by on Micah's trek to Canada. Tonight Alyssa's dad, her sister and her two kids are coming up for a couple of days. Full house at the Lance casa! I think it's amazing that everyone that comes to visit has a blog. It's a new pre-requisite for being my friend!
Posted by
rev rock
6:54 PM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Adoption vs. natural child birth
I've really wondered through this process of having a baby the natural way if things would be different in my feelings towards my kids. I know people are skeptical of adopting because they think it might be harder for them to bond with kids that didn't actually come from them. Here's my thoughts so far...
I think I bonded quicker with Zeke and Sofia then with Moses. Please don't get me wrong...I couldn't love my little guy any more than I do and the birthing experience was amazing. But given the circumstances surrounding the adoption of Zeke and Sofia, it just feels different.
Zeke was a miracle baby in every since of the word. We had been trying forever with no success...going to foster kid training...and get a call out of nowhere, and we become parents in a day. Zeke was born 2 lbs. 11 ounces and had to stay in the hospital for 2 months before he came out. The joy of having a baby and the agony of watching his fragile life come to health brought us so close to Zeke that our connection was overwhelming.
With Sofia we traveled across the world twice to make her a part of our family. And the trip along with the paper work was about as stressful as anything I would wish on anyone. By the time she was actually ours she had every piece of our hearts!
The whole pregnancy was really weird for us...we didn't know what to expect...and then all of a sudden we had a new little dude as part of our house! It was work and worry (mostly on Alyssa's part) but it just didn't have the same weight that our adoptions had.
Moses is amazing and I feel closer to him every day and can't wait to see how he will fit into our crazy family. I just thought it was worth saying that adoption is the real deal! Every parent in the world should adopt or take in a foster child or support others adoptions if they're able...that's my opinion. It is a beautiful picture of what Jesus did for us.
Posted by
rev rock
1:56 PM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Boobs, merconium, and lady parts
That blog title is gonna bring a bunch of weird creepy dudes to my blog that are going to be really disappointed.
There is something about having a baby that makes it perfectly acceptable to talk about things that in normal conversation are completely inappropriate.
I can't tell you the amount of times in the last three days I've talked about boobs, merconium, and lady parts. You've gotta check the link to merconium on Wiki...sweet pics!
Well we are finally home! After a few days of talking about everything anatomy and baby I had to get out. I found Nate and Derrick for lunch and we talked about forklifts, Nascar, and Chuck Norris...much needed.
Having three kids is amazing. I was just hanging out on the ground playing with all three wondering how I will ever be able to give each enough attention. It's gonna be a fun ride.
We had some of the crew from the moms group show up yesterday and the Flecks brought us some Jamba (sorry no pic). Jamba is the ultimate hospital food. Thanks for the visits!
I promise I'll have blogs that aren't about babies in about 14 months!
This post = Most links ever in a blog.
Posted by
rev rock
7:21 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Side note: I'm gettin' rid of creepy floating baby. He doesn't know what to do after he counts to's been a fun journey weird little guy...I hope you bring joy to many other expecting parents.
Alyssa's mom Gloria came by with the kids yesterday and Nate and Erica brought us some Jamba. I love to see Moses in the arms of our friends and family. Get used to it kid...we believe in community around here!
Posted by
rev rock
11:14 AM
My hero
They need to come up with new words to describe my wife. I don't know how I could love her any more. The little dude she's holdin' is pretty cool too!
Posted by
rev rock
11:10 AM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Cute pictures
Alyssa said the Gary Coleman pictures were unacceptable so I posted a couple were Moses actually looks cute. The second one is the classic Lance furrowed brow...he nailed it!
Sean and Rebecca came by and brought some gumbo and jambalaya that has changed my life. Thanks guys.
Thanks for all the blog love and text love and email love. I've been showing them all to Alyssa...we feel very loved.
We have to stay at the hospital till Wednesday morning because there are some special antibiotics that the baby needs. We appreciate the prayers!
Does he look a little like Gary Coleman to anyone else? I just see him in that first picture sayin', "whatcho talkin' bout Willis?"
Moses Everett Lance emerged into the world at 4:59am this morning.
Alyssa's water broke yesterday at 4:10pm...minutes before the Stirring. I was at the Stirring and left within 2.5 seconds of the phone call.
Moses is 7 lbs. 15 onces, 20 inches long.
Alyssa rocked the labor...she's my hero!
Moses and mom are doing awesome. If I were Alyssa I'd sleep till Christmas.
What a little miracle...I seriously can't believe it.
It hasn't come close to setting in yet...I'm still delirious from no sleep and crazy contractions and ridiculous pushing.
Watch out have no idea what this little man is going to accomplish.
God is awesome!
Posted by
rev rock
8:15 AM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Biggest news to hit Redding...
...since they made shirts and shoes optional at Winco!
No, we haven't had the baby yet.
Travis and Annette Osborne and fam are moving to Redding!
Read the story on Trav's blog.
Words can't begin to explain the level of stokedness.
Posted by
rev rock
9:39 AM
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Creepy floating baby is ready...
...why isn't Moses?
No contractions today.
Nate wants him to wait till Monday so I can help out tomorrow at the Stirring...awesome.
Sorry for the boring update!
Posted by
rev rock
8:40 PM
Labels: family, pregnancy, The Stirring
Friday, August 08, 2008
You think this sign kept me out of our community pool?
Jumped in today.
Reminds me of the scene in Cattyshack when Bill Murray picks the Baby Ruth out of the pool and takes a bite...good times!
Posted by
rev rock
4:59 PM
Thanks Jim and Dana!
We are having Hack fest tomorrow. If I'm not havin' a baby I'm gonna be out there...should be a blast! I wanted to thank my family, The Grove, Jim Ramsey and Dana Evans for supporting me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. This church plant is going to be amazing, and you all are playing a huge role in that. Thanks again.
No blog yet Jim? Seriously!?!
Posted by
rev rock
10:36 AM
Labels: current events, family, friends, sports, The Stirring
Baby update part II
I'll keep everyone up to date so I don't have to send out a million text everyday. Last night the contractions slowed down. Alyssa is feeling good but bummed that it still might be awhile. I'll keep ya posted! Alyssa's mom made it into town last night which was a big relief for us. Having family here for us now is huge. Thanks for taking the kids yesterday Rebecca for the false guys are awesome.
Posted by
rev rock
10:27 AM
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Thanks for showing me this Steve.
This is my daughters favorite song and this made me laugh so hard I almost shot a macaroni out of my nose!
Posted by
rev rock
5:31 PM
Labels: art / music, funny, politics
Baby update
We were at the hospital this morning. Alyssa is having mild contractions every 3-4 minutes and is dilated to 3cm. They said we had the choice to induce today or wait till it happens naturally...we opted for natural. The baby needs antibiotics four hours before he comes out so that is why they were thinking of inducing. They think we're really close.
So we are waiting. The baby is super low and they think he's comin' today or tomorrow so we'd appreciate your prayers. I'll light the blogworld up with Moses pictures as soon as I have them. I wonder if I could sell the rights of the pictures to People magazine like Brangelina and make millions by exploiting my new baby?!
Posted by
rev rock
2:10 PM
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Dunlaps and Osbornes
Just so happened we had two of our favorite couples in the world in Redding on the same day. Great time of hanging out and catching up. I was going to post some pictures with Trav but I couldn't handle the pressure of dealing with the traffic that would jam up my blog to see the one and only! The Dunlaps and the Osbornes would be close friends if we lived down the street or across the world. So good seeing you both!
Posted by
rev rock
10:39 PM
Labels: friends
Monday, August 04, 2008
This is of utmost importance!!!
Don't let the picture sway your decision...I'm not biased at all.
What is the first song that should pass through the ears of my son...Moses Everett Lance as he emerges into the world? I wasn't able to do this with my first two kids but Moses is going to start things off right.
Let's hear it...
Welcome to the Jungle (G & R)
Let's get it on (Marvin Gaye)
Blame it on the rain (R.I.P)
It's the end of the world as we know it (R.E.M.)
I've already got my thoughts but I want to hear yours!
Posted by
rev rock
10:42 PM
Labels: art / music, pregnancy
I saw Shasta today!!!
I'm pretty sure it's been there for the last month but I was just glad that no one moved it when the smoke rolled into town. That would of been really weird. Great Sabbath today!
Family time
Operation Baby Preparation commenced! OBP as I like to call it.
Alyssa is 90% effaced...2 cm. dilated...whatever the heck that means.
Just got my new license. Makes me feel a little better about not quite being 175 yet! I look pretty stoked in the top pic. I had probably just eaten a twinky or something! The bottom picture was last week and she snapped it half a second after I stepped on the line. I wasn't even looking in the right direction.
Posted by
rev rock
11:29 AM
I'm a wuss
I used to play guitar for hours a day. Not so much anymore. Yesterday I was up at 6:30 to get to Risen King by 7:30 to practice for leading worship. Led for both services. Got lunch with my family...put my kids down for a nap...drove right to the Stirring to practice...played guitar for both services at the Stirring. My fingers feel like they are going to fall off. Back in the day I could play for a month and a half straight without stopping and be fine. Now one full day of playing and I'm done.
Alyssa left the Stirring last night a little early because she was having cramps/contractions. She's never done the pregnancy thing so she really doesn't know what a contraction feels like. When people saw us leaving 47 people came up to me and said..."IS IT HAPPENING???!!?"
Sorry to disappoint folks.
Soon and very soon.
Posted by
rev rock
8:57 AM
Labels: art / music, pregnancy, The Stirring
Saturday, August 02, 2008
8 to 8 today...
in Nate's backyard.
put together their kids playground that makes your kids playground look stupid. I don't care if you actually live in the trees at Kids Kingdom....stupid!
Farmers tan.
It was a great time of hangin' with friends and turnin' wrenches!
Dude stuff!
Posted by
rev rock
10:28 PM
Friday, August 01, 2008
Wait till Thursday Moses
One of Alyssa's random shots of our kids...I dig it!
Too much goin' on right now!
Baptism, putting together Disneyland in Nate's backyard, practice with the worship team, leading worship at Risen King, getting pre-approval for a loan, signing a ridiculous amount of paperwork, playing guitar at the Stirring, having friends come into town, planting a church, hackfest, designing shirts, handing out backpacks at Cypress school, life groups, being a dad to the two kids I have right now and being a husband.
Thursday looks good...wait till Thursday Moses.
The only question I really have is what is going to happen to creepy floating baby? Is he going to burst out of his cyber womb and helplessly float off the edge of my computer screen awaiting me to cut his cyber umbilical chord? I hope so...that would be amazing!
Side note...
Baptism tonight was epic!
15 new followers of Jesus immersed into the family...I love it.
We got to pray with each of them before they went under...that's what I live for!
Posted by
rev rock
10:32 PM
Labels: current events, friends, pregnancy, projects