Friday, August 01, 2008

Wait till Thursday Moses

One of Alyssa's random shots of our kids...I dig it!
Too much goin' on right now!
Baptism, putting together Disneyland in Nate's backyard, practice with the worship team, leading worship at Risen King, getting pre-approval for a loan, signing a ridiculous amount of paperwork, playing guitar at the Stirring, having friends come into town, planting a church, hackfest, designing shirts, handing out backpacks at Cypress school, life groups, being a dad to the two kids I have right now and being a husband.
Thursday looks good...wait till Thursday Moses.
The only question I really have is what is going to happen to creepy floating baby? Is he going to burst out of his cyber womb and helplessly float off the edge of my computer screen awaiting me to cut his cyber umbilical chord? I hope so...that would be amazing!
Side note...
Baptism tonight was epic!
15 new followers of Jesus immersed into the family...I love it.
We got to pray with each of them before they went under...that's what I live for!

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