Thursday, July 17, 2008


I'm working on being content in every situation but its difficult. Here's the things on my list that I'm realizing right now I'm not content with.
1. My town house. Not because its not nice enough or big enough. Its awesome. Its almost too awesome. I'd rather be in a place that frees us up financially more to help people and buy food that isn't so crappy. (side note: why is it more expensive to eat healthy?)
2. My phone. The iphone has officially done it to me...I've got at&t envy!
I keep all my own appointments and am constantly scheduling and getting back to emails so I broke down when I moved up here and got a Blackberry. It's awesome. I could probably be getting by with my old Razor and a little organizer but how cool would that be? The iphone at this new price has me wanting to put my Blackberry on ebay and drop Verizon like a bad habit.
3. My weight. I guess its ok to want to be healthy but I'm not content in my own skin right now and that kind of sucks.
4. My job! Just kidding Nate...just wanted to make sure you were still reading this thing!

Areas I've grown in contentment
1. I love my bucket of a car! 2o00 Toyota Echo (sea foam) The air gets cold 5 minutes after you arrive at your it!
2. I love my guitar gear! That's a first. I've spent my whole life trying to acquire that next thing with guitars...I'm tone rules!
3. I love my family, my friends, my church and Redding. Totally content with where God has me right now...I love that!

What are you not content with right now?


Klein said...

Ok, I am 10 lbs overweight. Started this new work out called crossfit. You can go to it at It gives you a crazy different workout every day so it shocks your body.

The best thing is that it only takes like 30 min at the most. You should try it out. I've been doing it for 2 weeks and feel great.

Also, check out the magicjack. Its unbelievable. Got me one.

Lastly, start hitting garage sales on Sat. mornings, buying cheap stuff and selling it on ebay. Your already online, might as well sell some stuff. I bet you could make 300-400 more dollars a month doing that, which would give you more money for ribeye steaks.


Emily Branca said...

DUDE, i totally feel you with the iPhone envy. i WANT one... verizon basically sucks without it.

Anonymous said...

i love your guitar tone too! ...

Anonymous said...

the ipone is sooooo nice. haaa. joke joke.

i listened to you. Check the blog.. i put up that video. haaaa.

nathan said...

yep ... still reading ...

Shannon said...

Wouldn't it be awesome if the iphone landed on your door step!!!

Dana said...

Oh Dan what a great blog.

I was just thinking about all this stuff today...and it, in a sick mean way, made me glad that you wrote that you were struggling with stuff too...some of the same stuff I am.

except I don't want the iphone...hehehe mostly because it just came out here and I haven't actually go to see it. And the phone is a RIDICULOUS price here!!! Get this: only $200 but the monthly bill is $400 (no joke you read that right) Or $500 and the monthly bill is $150 (or around that)
So it could be worse you could be on the bottom of the world and couldn't even afford the phone :) crazy, huh?