Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday is groomin' day

Being bald is awesome! I haven't really had hair in a photo since our wedding pictures.
I am in a constant battle to make my life more simple. For years I've shaved every other day or every three or four days. But I have found that I can get away with shaving my head once a week now. I will usually shave the neck once or twice through the week but Sunday is grooming day. I have everything boiled down to about 15 minutes once a week...amazing!
Here's the routine:
1. Trim bottom of the beard with #2 extension
2. Trim sides of beard and mustache with #1 extension
3. Trim from bottom of the ear to middle of the ear with no extension, higher setting
4. Trim from middle of the ear to top of the ear with no extension, lower setting (makes for the perfect transition to the baldness)
5. Shave the head
6. Shave the neck
7. Newly added to the routine. Trim the arm hair with extension. (This is not in attempt to highlight my's because my arm hair is out of control and there is a forest on my left arm that makes it impossible to see my tattoos. Then if I leave the forest on the right arm it looks all comes off.)
8. Periodically thrown into the mix...cut down the 3 inch stragglers that sprout from my shoulders.

And that's all folks. 15 minutes every Sunday morning. The life of a bald man. Don't be jealous.

Is your grooming process simple or crazy?

Side note: quite possibly the most random post ever on RevRock


B.Rubble said...

My grooming "routine" as it were got larger/more involved the minute I met my wife, Traci. See, she's a cosmetologist, and therefore, I must be perfectly coiffed. Of course, this now extends to nose hair, which apparently, has the growth rate only slightly slower than sunflowers. And, I apparently felt the need to keep my ears warm, 'cause when I turned 35, I started growing my own ear muffs... AND, having missed the whole acne/dry skin issue in high school, I've become veeeery susceptible to late life acne, what the? Of course, there are other grooming issues that are neccessary, however, there are some things that will remaing private. Needless to say, you better A)trust your groomer or B)invest in a good pair of shears...and have a steady hand...
Now, I would LOVE to go back to my "high n tight" or even my old school hessian hair-do days. My wife however, has decided that I must turn over all decisions for hair to her. Ergo, the bad haircolor that I chose a few weeks ago, neccesitating my current "re-do" crop of hair...Dan, our grooming needs increase dramatically until about 50 yrs old...then...well, we just don't care. And by then, the hair on your head should be completely done growing, and you wont have to shave anymore!

Anonymous said...


You need to get one of these

15 bucks and your in heaven

Jason Day said...

Dude, I always forget to trim my nose hairs until it looks like I have a thin french waiter mustache thing going on. Not really that long......but long. Gross!

Old Skool said...

Every 6 months I have my wife shave off the duck tail thats growing down my neck...

Tyler Faires said...

my routine is whenever i have time i do it. Most of the time i wake up 5 minutes before i need to get somewhere so i sacrifice the daily grooming that should be done.

But all i want to know is, what trimmer do you use. I have a beard trimmer i got for christmas one year and it sucks. So tell me this magic tool.