Saturday, January 26, 2008

Preaching tomorrow

When God dreams is the series we're in. My message in a sentence is...When God dreams he sees everyone in families...especially the least. I'm showing God's plan for family throughout the story...Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, the Prophets, the Psalms, Jesus, the early church, Paul, James, and Revelation. Then I'm contrasting God's dream with the American Dream. The question after all that is what would it look like if God's dream for families was a reality in Redding? I've got two questions at the end of the night: 1)Do you have family? 2)Are you inviting others into that family...especially the least?
I'll let you know how it goes. Pray that I have my voice by then!


Name said...

Enjoyed reading your blog...hope it goes well.

Jonathan Murtaugh said...

Wow man. It's all fine and dandy until you start talking about including the least. That might upset some apple carts. I've got some Fuji's rolling off mine, and all I did was read your one-line descpription.

Thanks to your stinking blog, God just put an image in my mind of the homeless guy who's always at Blockbuster on Magnolia and Central. Today I gave him money so that I could walk away quicker and not be inconvenienced by interacting with him. Now I'm thinking about it again. Darn you, Lance.

God bless your words tomorrow. Rock it.