Monday, December 03, 2007

How my trip started

Sorry about the lack of posts lately...the moving process has been pretty crazy.
Friday I got up at 3:30am and started my trek for Redding. Here's a picture of my Uhaul truck with auto trailer at the gas station. I felt like I took up a city block on the road.

So I filled up with gas...just in case you're wanting to take a Uhaul truck 600 cost $400 in gas...good times! I was a little out of it and I had 100 things on my mind...I crawled up in the cab of the truck...figured out my ipod that I was routing through an adapter...pulled out three feet slammed on the brakes...jumped out of the truck...ran around to the other side...and saw this...

That's right folks...I left the pump in and pulled it completely out...amazing! I went in and told the dude and he was able to pop it back into it's socket. But of course I snapped a pic for my blog peeps before we got it fixed. I don't encourage you to start trips like this. I am an idiot.
I made it to Redding in 10 hours. Not bad...I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to go 75 mph in that truck when you're dragging a car behind it but I couldn't help myself.
I'm here!


Old Skool said...

How is it YOU make it to Redding in 10 hours driving a U-haul towing a disposable car...and it took ME 10 hours to drive there in my Datsun 210?????

Topherspoon said...

Thanks for being transparent Dan. Few people I know would post pics of the stupid things they do @ 3:30AM. I backed a bus into a tree. Isn't sharing life great!

escamillaweddings said...

i was parked next to a guy at the gas station a few weeks ago and he did the same thing! poor fella.

glad ya got there safe!

Casey Angulo said...

That could have ended pretty bad. I am glad you're okay!