Monday, March 12, 2007

I'd make a mean super trooper

Don't worry village people...the mustache only lasted four minutes. This is now my three day o'clock shadow. It's been 90 degrees the last two days. The reign of beardcore must take a sabbatical. Don't fret...beardcore shall return. Here's my theology of facial hair...when you're bald all you have left is your facial hair to give you a different look. Being bald with no facial hair is a very vulnerable state...all you've got is your eyebrows for expression. I think I've acquired a heightened use of my eyebrows sense I've lost my hair. It's kind of like the heightened sense of smell for a blind person. It's scientifically proven. Next time you see a bald guy, check out his excellence in the area of eye brow expression. It's getting late...can you tell...and by late I mean 11:06pm. How old am I? I'd love to hear my bald peeps weigh in on this subject...


ian said...

go for the "Franz-Josef"

Anonymous said...

Yea I try and grow facial hair, but yea...all I get is little random chin wiskers and a weak mustache, oh well! LONG LIVE BEARDCORE!