Thursday, February 10, 2011

Speaking on Sunday

So I went running by myself on Wednesday morning in the complete darkness on the Clover Creek trail. I was terrified.
God showed me some things.
I talked about those things with Nate.
Now I'm gonna share those things on Sunday at the Stirring.
Here's a hint in the form of key words...
Friends, elderly women with dogs, roosters, machete's, 9 irons, and experience
Come to think of it, that's a great title for the message.
If you want to know up Sunday.
Life Together.
Running in the dark...


Matt Harvey said...

I would love to find out what happens when old ladies and machetes mix. But I'm in do I find out?

La Rodriga said...

It is amazing what you see when running in the dark....really. I am always on my guard and a bit freaked out. The minute the sun comes up on my runs, though, it is as if an anxiety is lifted and I can relax.

rev rock said...

Podcast Matt!