Social Networking
So I broke down today and got a Facebook account.
I haven't had a myspace for about a year, and I was desperately longing for cyber friends.
We'll see what happens. If it takes more than 3 minutes out of my day it probably wont be worth it. Come find me and make me feel like we're really close even though I haven't seen you in 13 years :)
I do like finding people from high school. Found a couple of my baseball buddies from back in the day.
Is Facebook worth it?
It seems pretty cool.
Is it going to suck my will to live?
So many questions.
You'll like it because you can post stuff from your phone. You'll like it because you can reconnect with friends you haven't seen in years (I'm friends with Jeff & Sherry Joyner, and Pam & Dave Hicks). You'll like it because if you get into a bind, you can put it on your facebook, and in a matter of minutes someone will come to your rescue. You'll like it because you can see pictures of friends' kids and dogs. You'll like it because you can read condensed thoughts of brilliant pastors across America.
You'll hate it because it will suck the life out of you.
I think that it is easier to manage than Myspace.....more options and lots of fun stuff to do.
It will definitely suck your will to live. It is good for keeping in touch with far away people. Overall, nothing fantastic. But I like the chat feature :)
i look at facebook as a cross between myspace and blogger. it's a good mix to me.
I got your friend request and was pretty pumped! Facebook is fun. I myself have dreated then canceled then re-created my account! I like to do that I guess because I feel bad about how much time I spend online. Ha ha!
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