I'm half way through...really like it. Go buy it here.
I'm gonna use some stuff for my narrative class.
Scot's got a great blog...check it out.
What are you reading lately?
I've been reading a ton of Paul's letters for our series called "Honor" coming up...that Paul guy...he could draft quite a letter.
I'm finally finishing up "The Shack" and "Oh Sh|t! It's Jesus!". Both good books. The second is written by a friend of mine, the second title is: "The relevance of Jesus without all the religious crap." Kinda fun. :) I'm very slowly reading "The New Eve", haven't decided what I think of that yet. Still waiting for "The Pressure's Off" from Sarah. :)
So how many books do you think you read in a month/year?
so does he recommend re-reading it through braille? heh...heh...funny joke, huh?
"the relevance of Jesus without all the religious crap"?
i am curious what that means exactly?
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