I own people in Scattergories. It's all about Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer when you roll an R and you're listing animals. 3 points. Unbelievable. Can't believe I just gave that one away.
You guys can have your D & D parties (I mean Settlers of Catan parties) while you're trading your Pokemon cards but I'm stickin' with Scattergories.
Best game ever!
It's my favorite!
Mine, too. But recall that creative answers are up to a vote by the rest of the participants.
I would not allow your 3-pointer. Unless I can use Tommy The Twirly-Tongued Three-Toed Tarantula when "T" comes up.
Seven points. Booyah.
DUDE, sign me up for this game anytime, any place. I totally destroyed my family when we played this Christmas. Good times. Maybe next staff...
name the time and place.
Oh you just tell me where to sign. Prepare to get owned my friend.
I will layeth the verbal/written smackdown in this game should you ever feel the need to go to a Masters class, just lemme know..Its on like Donkey Kong...FTW
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