I told you we'd watch both sides
Sof is from Kyrgyzstan so I think she was impressed with McCain's resume abroad. Zeke was a little bored with gramps. Man...could these guys be any different?
There's things I like in both guys and things that really bug me about both.
The only thing I know is that my allegiance is not to a flag, a country, or a dude in an oval office. I long for the day that the church will start acting like the church and get its voice back! Husbands and wives start fighting to stay together, we love our neighbors, we pray for our enemies, and we look out for the least among us.
Politics intrigue me but I put no hope in political parties.
I try not to paint with too broad of a brush.
I just hope one of these dudes can keep college tuition from reaching $200,000 a year by the time my 3 kids are old enough!
Go check out the reason sermon by Bill Johnson on the spirit of Politics. unbelievable. Made me rethink alot of this whole process, and how at its core it is based on the fear of man.
Amen on the college tuition bro...
Proverbs 10:4
In no offense..
but you called McCain "gramps"... You've even called me an old man.... I see a pattern here..... I don't have a grandpa.. can I make fun of yours? How about Nate's?... he's pretty old...
have you ever heard of Abraham Kuyper? Check him out...pretty radical theologian turned politician.
I watched TMZ again. I'm such a sucker for the Hollywood Moviestars.
McCain makes me want to mccain my back, like I'm in a thai prison for spitting chewing gum on the street.
I just feel nervous when I watch him speak. I think he might get so fired up that he'll just fall over.
Both parties and their leaders spout off about how they'll make things better. Blah, Blah, Blah.
How about you, the govt, stay out of my paycheck, stay out of my retirement, stay off my phone lines and stop tracking my web surfing.
Where do you find a party that is anti-choice, anti-Iraq war, anti-tax, anti-nanny state, anti-imperialistic, anti-patriot act, anti-United Nations...ultimately anti-government?
Instead I have to bow to one of two parties who think they know better than I how to use my money. One will use my hard earned cash to "spread democracy" by dropping bombs, and one will use my dollars to kill unborn babies and fund a system indended to help the poor become independent, but has the opposite effect.
They both talk down to me like I some idiot who can't think for himself. They both twist the truth to suit their own agenda encouraging their drones to think less of the others Self-righteous bastards. I could go on for hours...
I need a drink.
jeff- we must be married....you just so eloquently wrote all that I was thinking.
Long live Ron Paul!!! :-)
Ron Paul.........
that's a good one...
see who sounds more like reagan...bet you five bucks it is Paul and not McCain. I know, true conservatism and freedom can be a little scary...it is not for the faint of heart! :-)
Have you read my blog about Ron Paul?
it's a few posts back... but it gives perspective a chance....
Go check it out.
since when is it cool to hate america, outside our borders it has been quite a while. However, I believe Jesus would want us to be positive and optimistic, we can always find something negative to dwell on, the government is not all bad, our roads our world class and probably make us more of a superpower than you realize, our schools are run well, I asume you are reading this, we have county hospitals that ERs that have to see anyone in need, we have welfare for the poor, college grants and countless other well run government avenues. The government should not do everything for us like some politicians think but the basics they do pretty well. Maybe instead of bitching about it run for government and make a change, I think you will find this not as easy as you ideally imagined. Then again if we lived in another county where McCain was behind in the polls maybe he could use some Sarin gas on a couple blue states. Lets stop being so divided and realize what a great county and people live here and how much we have in common. And for those that just hate America and what it stands for, ie dropping bombs, etc., about eight hours south you will find open arms, Viva Mexico, now that is a well run government. Or maybe somewhere in Europe, I am sure we could run an exchange progream. But you can't be like Michael Douglas who trashes America and threatens to leave if Bush is elected then never follows through.
click here
i agree we have the best country on earth. i wouldn't live anywhere else...however, i would like it to stay that way. which is why i utilize my first amendment rights by voicing criticisms. and, as far as running for office, i personally am raising a family right now, but i whole-heartedly agree with you...more christians should run for office. hope my son does. hope he changes the world....
already read it juan...thanks! it didn't change my mind about his radical awesomeness!!! :-)
I totally agree with you. I've been to India, Zimbabwe, Mali, Canada, & Mexico. We live in the best country, by far.
I do love America. In a country where the "poor" are fat have cable and a car is amazing. (I didn't mean that as derogotory, I'm fat as a house, I just mean they aren't starving.)
I feel very blessed to live here. I have 3 interns a semester work for me and they are usually international students. I've had students from Usbekistan, Indonesia, China, Japan, Vietnam, Burma, Trinidad/Tobago, Peru, Ecuador, Bolvia, and Jersey. And from talking with them our government seems to have less corruption. Our unemployment rate is incredibly low. The dollar and inflation compared to most of theses countries is very stable.We don't live in fear of our govt.
So I do not hate America. I do appreciate all that we have here. It is incredible.
I've had my martini and I'm feeling much better.
I guess I was just thinking if I share half of the repubs ideals and less than half of the dems ideals there could be room for a third platform.
And yes, I should be more involved politically, but dang is seems like it takes so much cash to get started. Maybe I'll be able to position and support my offspring to run for something.
Good Post Anon. (said without sarcasm)(usually you can bank on my posts being sarcastic, but this one is not)
haha... awesome.. You know I makes some really heavy points though!! don't deny it! :)
Hey Dan,
This is Tim Stafford (ann lynn). I was just browsing the interweb and came across your blog. Looks like some awesome stuff is going on. Fun conversations taking place on your blog as well. I enjoy that you're stirring (no pun intended) the pot politically up there, I think our generation needs the encouragement to think outside the bubble from time to time. especially as we enter the age of creating our own beliefs, our own foundations. It looks fun.
Hope all is well with you and yours. Steve and Karen are now expecting. Craziness. I see you had yours, congrats.
Will you do me a favor and tell Derrick Fleck hello and give him a kiss for me?
what up Tim! I'll tell Derrick you said hello. Hope all is well. I'll add you to the ol' blog roll.
Go visit New Zealand. It has us beat on many levels. Plus they have hobbits.
And Italy ain't bad either
McCain and the dinosaur in the book on the table have exactly the same expression...
I know you planned that.
Only you would blow the picture up big enough to see that Jim...hilarious!
Stemming from "juan's" 9/5 post @2:54 a.m...
So if you refer to Sen. McCain as "gramps," I shudder to think of what you'd call Sen. Obama.
That is, IF you weren't so unbelievably PRO-Obama.
In response to Leslie's comments...
Can we who are parents, myself included, stop using the "I'm too busy because I'm raising a family" card? I think that if we are to raise children who will one day "change the world," we need to demonstrate how it is that we change the world. One of those ways is by becoming involved in local and national politics, not just in word but in deed. Let's not raise our children to hear us complaining about our politicians, but never seeing us do anything to make a difference. This is a critical time for us not only to impact our generation, but also the one to come. We as parents should know that better than anyone. Most local campaigns are desperate for help during this election cycle. Some are just asking for each individual or family to serve 2 hours, every 4 years. That's 1/2 per year! Go to local forums in your community and share your voice on those issues that are concerning you. Volunteer to see change take place. Bring your children with you! I can think of no greater example to them of how to change the world! I hope too, as most all parents, that my children will change and shape the world. And, yes, voicing our opinions is our right. But isn't acting on those opinions not only a privilege, but a responsibility? Let's all be found guilty of changing the world and leave a legacy for our children's children!
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