Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Stirring 2.0

So there are a lot of things on the ol' to do list right now as we are coming into fall and planting a church in 6 weeks. But one that we've been putting some time to lately is website and blogs.
Patrick showed us the new design for the Stirring site yesterday and it's amazing. We're using Covers promo photo for our We Love, We Make Disciples series that starts on will blow your mind. Plus I'm in the process of putting together and unifying all of our blogs. Our main blog is going to turn into our resource for Life Groups. Each week I'm gonna post thoughts and questions with Scripture from the weekend that Life Groups can tackle when they meet. I'm creating a Stirring Kids blog (just started) to communicate with parents. We have a Missions blog that Kari put together that is awesome, and I'm gonna work to make it look like all our blogs for the sake of a uniform look. (that's probably news to you Kari...sorry...sometimes communicating on my blog is quicker than actually talking to someone...I know that's really weird.) And eventually I'm gonna put together a Jr. High blog.
To me it just seems the easiest way to keep everyone on the same page. Parents can check in to see what's coming up and what we're all about and they can interact back and forth with teachers. People can track with where we are going as a church and add their feedback and questions. What do you think? Good idea?


Erica said...

I think that is a good idea and will be really helpful.

hannahrae said...

sounds like a great idea! i can't wait to see the new website, nate was just telling me about it...

amy coverdale said...

i'm into this dan... good idea. and then we can focus as separate life groups, corporately, on the same stuff... nice. hey, i want to have chili-cook-off...this fall. stirring first annual. you in? I'll talk to you sunday.... :)

Klein said...

You guys need to change the name of your church though, from 'the stirring' to 'the bloggers'. fits your bunch much better.

Kinda how we as a country changed from 'the colonies' to 'the United State of America'.