Friday, March 07, 2008

Rev Rock needs a face lift

I've been looking at my blog and realizing that I need to spruce it up. I haven't given any link love in forever. I apologize to all of you that should be on my blog roll. I haven't added anyone from Redding...basically I've been slacking. I like the way that wordpress sights look but I have a feeling that they are a lot more work. Any ideas. I could reskin the sight with a new template but I'm not sure that will change very much. Ideas???


Anonymous said...

NOPE easier, cleaner, better interface.
Switch to Wordpress...

Casey Angulo said...

Don't waste your time or $. Everyones blog looks exactly the same to me on google reader.

Anonymous said...

wordpress, the free one, is alright i guess. custom hosted wordpresses cost monthly $$ and are a pain in the butt to manage if you have to do all of the updates yourself. prepare to use FTP often and edit CSS code and so on.

escamillaweddings said...

haha i echo casey!

Anonymous said...

Typepad is super easy to use and it dosent cost that much I love it.