Thursday, March 20, 2008


While we celebrate Easter this Sunday we will be baptizing 25 people right in the middle of the room at our gathering...isn't that awesome. Earlier this year the Stirring baptized 25 at someones house. That is really exciting to me. There is a girl at our Life Group that's been following Jesus for 3 weeks and she's gettin' dunked. God is good. I love celebrating new life.
I made an observation about baptism a while ago. I might be the last one to figure this out but I was wondering why we are baptized into the Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Then I realized that baptism into the Father is a realization that we are newly born into God's family and he is our Father. We are baptized into the way of living we saw modeled in Jesus. And we are baptized to live that way through the power of the Holy Spirit. What a beautiful symbol and invitation to the world.

1 comment:

escamillaweddings said...

dan - so cool!

you know, for years i never really understood the big whoop about people getting baptized. i mean, i knew it was biblical and all but i never really got excited about it until recently.

what it means to God and the person symbolically, spiritually, emotionally...seriously, so cool!