Thursday, August 16, 2007


are there annoying people in the world who's sole purpose is to oppose other people's view. Here's a video that Ian sent me of a guy that is trying to slam Rob Bell's "Bull Horn Guy" Nooma video. He's advocating for the whole Kurt Cameron're a adulterer, a cheat, a fornicator, and you're quickly heading toward the burning place...but hey I've got great news.
Tell me what you think.


Shannon Smith said...

I think it paints a narrow picture of one side and an inaccurate picture of the other. Not once in my life have I seen a street evangelist act that way, or treat people like that.

If more Christians that felt called to hit the street corners and share the gospel acted that way, I think it would be a vast improvement. The problem, as we know, is that most street preachers are loud, obnoxious and call down the fire on innocent passers-by.

I would tend to think that the way he started the conversations probably opened the door for them to listen to what he had to say. I bet if he were to run his experiment in reverse order he might have less people listening to the second part.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an inaccurate portrayal of the “bullhorn guy” message – did this guy actually listen to what Rob Bell was saying? The main thing I had a problem with is that he kept quoting old testament commandments and laws and never mentioned anything about how Jesus fulfilled the law. A funny thing is that he only talked to guys who previously knew about Christianity – could he really take that message to another culture in another country and get the same results?

I also thought that his analogy of Christians as “doctors” is ridiculous because people are saved through God – not through people. If the Spirit doesn’t come through, God doesn’t come through.

escamillaweddings said...

i've come across a number of people who aren't fans of rob bell. mostly from the reformed frame of mind. i can understand their worry but i don't think they understand rob fully.

and now im going to actually watch the video you posted. im sure i'll be entertained. :)

Anonymous said...

i listen to dr. love's podcasts.

Jessica (Probst) Eveland said...

People condemn themselves enough, they don't need me to do it for them. the most radical message from Christ is love. The pharisees spent all day spewing law & what did Jesus say was the most important thing... "love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself" People know their junk and their junk is confirmed to them everyday - they need to know that there is a God that loves them and wants to see them walk in the fullness of their destiny in grace and love. NOT condemnation and guilt "You're a sinner, turn or burn!"

H00KisBack said...

I have to laught through the anger. I saw this video during this last spring one day while I was subbing at Citrus Hills and was doin some wiki surfing to read articles. I was ready to punch a wall when I saw this video as well as yell a few explitives at this "questionable" pastor.

It prolly just boils down to the fact that the christian community has this rep of ripping off everyone else and how they do things so this guy prolly saw a lot of secular groups raggin on each other so he's like "hey, i can do that...I know some people I don't like, this is easy!" and thus the video was created.

Anonymous said...

The name is Kirk Cameron not Kurt Cameron. I watched way too much Growing Pains as a kid...

Anonymous said...

This saddens me. I really just pray that God would bring something good and true out of the video rather disputes and anger. All I can say is that this guy should have talked it out with Rob (if he had a problem with the video) and more importantly with God before going through with his own video. I just move on from this with thanking God for his grace. But like Dan posted, "Why???".