Thursday, June 07, 2007

Tom with an "h" and Robert the radiator guy

So this morning I'm at Shell putting gas in my Vespa. ( cost me $7 to fill up and I can ride everyday for 2 weeks before I fill up again...just a little plug for alternative transport). This homeless guy passes me to throw something away and I say, "How's it goin'?" He obviously doesn't think I'm talkin' to him but when he comes back and I'm lookin' at him he realized I was talking to him. He stops and we start a conversation about my Vespa...his need to get some kind of transportation...trying to stop smoking...trying to utilize VA benifits better to get descent housing for him and his wife...and so on. Then he starts walking away and I say, "Hey, I didn't catch your name" and he comes back at me with an excitement that was very unusal for the question and says, "my name is Tom with an "h", I'm half English. I told him I was Dan and he said, "you're with the Lord aren't you?" I told him I was and that was it.
Rewind to last week. I'm on my way home from work and I see this dude with his hood opened on the corner of Chicago and Central in the turn lane...It's 5pm and people are obviously pissed that he is backing up traffic so they are manuvering to get around him and honking and speeding off. I thought that kind of sucked so I go over and ask if I can help. We find out that his radiator hose is busted and his car has stalled out and can't start. I go grab the right hose for him and he's able to get going. Before he takes off he says, "you're with the Lord aren't you?"
Why is it that people in need know when they are around a Christian? Why is it that when we act like Jesus people know right away that we follow Jesus? Why is it we think we have to hand someone a track to let them know that we follow Jesus? Tom with an H needed someone to ask him what his name was and Robert the radiator guy needed someone to buy him a radiator hose.
Please don't comment about how incredibly spiritual I am. I suck at following Jesus...I'm just trying to get better at it and encouraging others to do the same.


Anonymous said...

your post was absolutely not pretentious. anybody claiming it to be has issues or bitterness. why we would not be able to share real life stories and encourage others without someone coming in and slamming you for "bragging" is beyond me. now is the time we stop beating people into submission with brute force tactics and realize these moments in life are what love is about. there is something grander going on here.

ellieherrity said...

so wouldn't it be faster to just call him Thom instead of 'tom with an h'?
i'll just start calling you 'dan with a d'.

escamillaweddings said...

i echo ian.
and elizabeth.