Saturday, June 09, 2007

My trusty acoustic

So I've probably written 100 songs in my life and I've written 98 of them on my trusty acoustic. It's a beat up Yamaha that I got when I was 16. I painted it in my garage because I wanted it to look like that dudes that played acoustic with Nirvana for their unplugged set...anyone...anyone? I broke a string about a year into playing with it and decided to take out the last tuning peg and play with 5 strings (refer to picture). I'm not very good at guitar and I rarely needed my high E so I just did away with it...It's all about simplicity and the rock baby. As you can see I put the most obnoxious stickers I could find on this guitar...the Carl's Jr. star being my favorite. The saddle fell out of the bridge years ago and I just play without it. It lowers the action so it totally plays like an electric. I've never changed the strings and I hope I never have to. There is just something sentimental about it and I write my best stuff on it. I wrote two songs today. I told you I've been inspired by the Cobalt Season and the world is not ready for the love that is flowing from my tri colored 5 string piece of heaven on earth. Songs and shows will be forthcoming. I can't wait!


ian said...

I've always wanted a AHAMAY guitar.

Anonymous said...

Man, I couldn't get to the comment bar fast enough for the AHAMAY crack. Shoot. But I didn't know that Dan could play left handed...thanks, I'll be here all night. Does anyone else comment here, or is it just Ian and I kickin it revrock style

escamillaweddings said...

i can't remember the guys name that played with nirvana. it's prolly on my cd case...where ever that is. all i remember is he was hired to play because supposedly kurt was in so much pain and taking so many things for relief that he had trouble playing and remembering parts. somethin like that.

rev rock said...

My trademark has become my backwards pictures from my mac. I'm sure to get comments every time. old were you when you first saw the trusty acoustic? We're getting old!

rev rock said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I know that all of us seem to fight over it every year when we go camping. You would think someone else would bring a guitar. I'll bring the viheula this year. Five strings are the new six. We should start a scene.

Anonymous said...

you are going to get reported to the musical instrument abuse line...

sheesh that guitar has put up with some serious "love"

sweet though!

Topherspoon said...

I love Fold Zandura

Nate Millheim said...

I'm a little late to read this but I just gotta say I love the Belva's Diesel sticker. I have one on my trusty acoustic that I barely know how to play