A little at a time
I just read this: Exodus 23:30 I will drive them out a little at a time until your population has increased enough to take possession of the land.
Why is it that God's timing usually comes a little at a time? The background to this passage is Moses leading the Israelites to the promised land and in the process they have to conquer a bunch of people, (verse 29) But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals would multiply and threaten you.
Isn't it hilarious that we try to rush God and push our own agenda when he's got our backs even when it comes to making sure we aren't eaten by animals. He let's things happen a little at a time because he knows what's best for us. Anyone else need to hear that this morning?
absolutely. can you remind me of that every day please!? good word dude.
I hate "cute". And I generally dislike TV preachers. However, Bob Schueller used to say "inch by inch, anything's a cinch"
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