Sunday, January 07, 2007

Mars I come!

So I'm going to the, Isn't she beautiful? conference at Mars Hill on January 20-24th. It's at Mars Hill in Grand Rapids Michigan. I'm going with pastor Bill Risinger from my church. The weather is supposed to be ridiculous but I don't care. He's talking about the local church, narrative theology, heaven, hell, social justice and tons of other stuff that I can't wait to hear about. I'll fill you all in once I go. Anyone else going to be there?


Anonymous said...

Dude that sounds sick! When my dad told me I was so jealous. I'm small I can fit into a suitcase. Have fun.

ian said...

i just looked up the 15 day forecast there... looks like highs in the 20s and lows in the 10s with a chance of snow on the 24th... how do they do it?