Friday, March 11, 2011

I dislike the number 170.4

It's an odd number to dislike but it has been my nemesis!
For over a month I've been stuck at this weight. I've hit 170.4 on multiple occasions...this morning being the most recent encounter with defeat.
First thought this morning after stepping on the scale was a super shot of Metamucil in my coffee and let nature take its course! I just need to see a 6 as the second number.
The day I look down and see 169.9 I'm throwin a party. Not the kind of party that Sean caters with delicious food...that wouldn't make much sense. It's going to be the kind of party that just involves me and a couple fist pumps.
Can't wait...I'll let you know


Christina Ellis said...

You can do it Dan! Can't wait to read your 169.9 post!

Matt Harvey said...

Let's do this! Can't wait till that joyful 169.9...I will fist pump in spirit!