It's official...
...Mo is walkin'! He walks down the entire hall now without falling. Crazy. Now if we could just get Sof talkin'! This year is gonna be intense. Zeke in first grade. Sofia turning three, getting potty trained and talking. And Mo is officially mobile. It's exciting times to be a dad. All the kids were wrestling in the play room tonight and I was lovin' it. Of course that was minutes after Mo had grabbed Sofia's potty that she had just peed in and poured it on himself.
It's my life!
Your life should be a television show, seriously things that just don't happen to normal people happen to you lol. Yea Mo!!!!!!!!
Are you sure Mo is really your kid? Because he really doesn't look like you at all...
moses is the perfect combo of you and alyssa...he is so stinkin cute!
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