Thursday, January 01, 2009

I'm alive

Longest blog silence ever...sorry
10 days in Riverside
Didn't open my computer once
Lots of time with friends and family
Gained 87 pounds
Played 3 rounds of golf
Three great Christmas celebrations
Ridiculous amount of gifts for our kids
New years celebration...three words...if you were know!
Drive home...8 hours 15 minutes...I didn't drive the speed limit...I own the grapevine...I'm gonna write a book on traveling with's gonna be called, "the art of ignore." pretty catchy don't ya think?
I'm back...It's good to be home!


escamillaweddings said...

i'm going to start calling you "list boy" because most of your blogs now come in list form. what happened to the philosophical, theological and sometimes controversial revrock?

miss ya danny boy.
glad you had a great holiday with the fam!

Old Skool said...

We made the trip in 9 hours and 30 minutes. This included 4 stops... It's nothing like your time, but it was a record for me.

Anonymous said...

I like "list boy". Life isnt about philosophies, and controversy. (Nor about spelling correctly)
We know what God what us to do and how.
We make it hard. We decide to spend our lifes talking and decussing, with no action.
Ive liked dan just sharing about his life.
I care for him. And his journey. not what he reads by some hack who just happened to write something "Different."

Plus, Dan is trying to change the world. not change peoples beliefs. The truths are there if he "types" them or not. he doesnt need to change peoples thoughts. They know the truth. he wants to help them get involved after they wake up.

Dan is a leader. He doesnt need to share other opions. If i wanted other writers thoughts, id go to there blogs.

"Boobs, Sex, Sleep." 09' ;-)

Piet and Leah Bakers said...

I miss you guys! God bless as you continue on the Stirring adventure! Congratulations on 2 years...wish I could be there.

Annie said...

I can't believe "anonymous" just listed your new year's resolutions, priceless