Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Great moments in speaking

Sunday at the Stirring I was talking about the Green Elephant in the church and I started talking about how Alyssa and I use cloth diapers for the kids. The message was not about cloth diapers...trust me.
Anyways...I was talking about choices we've made and how I see it as worship, not brownie points.
I thought I said scraping poop out of my kids diapers has turned into worship for me, but Juan and Nate said they heard me clear as day say, "it's worship for me when I scrape poop out of the toilet!" I'm still convinced I didn't say this but they assure me that I did.
I have no idea why I was talking about poop and worship anyways.
I should probably stick closer to the script.
Oh...the joys of speaking to crowds of people!
I'll forever be the "scooping the poop out of the toilet worship guy!"
Anyone else hear it?
I'm having Nate post the 7pm gathering for the podcast. I got my poop straight that time!


Sarah said...

yeah..you said that...sorry but its true:)

Klein said...

My car gets 40 mpg, but I like to call is worship.

Just playing with ya.

I'll download the podcast

Topherspoon said...

I did a sermon about Jesus being the great shepherd. I got all riled up and emphatically said "THE SHEPHERD WANTS TO HAVE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SHEEP!" Relizing that it could be taken the wrong way I followed it up with "...nothing wierd". Some of the guys lost it and I almost never got the group back.

Anonymous said...

My L.G. says you said it right all 3 services...I say, you can't tell me it's worship when I know you're cursing through it and God doesn't like curse words...