Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The 777th post

The perfect number...
I need to write the perfect post...
Too much pressure...
I'm not sure Jesus cares about my blog...
My posts have sucked for a couple weeks...I apologize
Hang in there till after October 12th...
The church plant has officially turned my brain to oatmeal...with raisins...and slices of banana.
If Kirk Cameron was a ghost writer for my blog he would write an amazing 777th post...
Speaking of amazing acting...
Does anyone have The Omega Code II on Blue Ray?
I hear it will blow your mind in HD!
Thus ends the perfect post.


Anonymous said...


I don't read this blog. I'm to busy working on the economic problems. kinda like how the DOW fell 777 (hint) pts on monday. Its not all about you Dan

Anonymous said...

I would have expected Jesus to capitalize his name...It's like I don't even know him anymore...

Anonymous said...

Check out "The Me I never knew" by Yancey. It should clear some things up for you. Keep cooking. I got my eyes on you buddy

rev rock said...

this sounds like weird blond hair, blue eyed Malibu Jesus. I don't want a Jesus I can surf with!

Welcoming Counsel said...

Dude Starbucks sells Oatmeal...Send Malibu Jesus out for some...