Thursday, September 11, 2008

What were you doing 7 years ago today?

I was driving in my car with my buddy Josh to get tattoos from a friend that had flown down from Washington to be at a tattoo convention. On the way down we heard the news that planes had flown into the towers...surreal.
What do you do...turn around...stockpile ammo...we kept going.
We holed up in a hotel room right next to Disneyland and got tattoos. Mine was the crucifix with Jesus on it. 5 hours.
We sat there and watched the footage of New York all was crazy!

We've had way too much death on every side since that day. Redemptive violence has plagued us as a people since Cain and Abel. Has anyone really ever "won?"
Is it really winning when civilized people kill others to the point that one side gives up? Seems like after thousands of years with the same results, we as the human race could get a little more creative. There's been a few that have tried but those people usually get killed...ironic.

Take some time to pray for peace tonight.


Welcoming Counsel said...

I had just finished a class with Shannon Pirie on New Testament at seminary and ended up spending the day on her couch watching it all unfold. I was both angry and confused as to why us what did we ever do?
Now I know....
I can remember being upset by the people that decide to do slide shows on their laptop of the planes and think they were cool????

Christian said...

remember like it was 2 hours ago.

Freshman year of high school. I was in the gym that morning for basketball practice... That day was aerobics day for our team.

I was doing Tai Bo... right in the middle of "double time" leg kicks...

Then our principle ran in... "We are being attacked!"

all we did in class that day was watch the news...


Anonymous said...

I remember what I was doing... I was out all the night before. And I woke up at my house where I and my two roomates all went to the common area to watch tv and get over our hangover's. So we turned on the TV and bam! Shit had gone down.
We where out looking for ladys and drinking, and people where planning out and actually attacking us.
And about the right or wrong of attacking people back. i say this to all the people who get super spiritual about the issue. Tell us what to do then. Dont just complain about was, or make semi emotional and spiritual comments about it, actually come up with a plan and then explain it. Because i have never heard a person actually say what a better option is. Everyone can make a 10 worded comment on war being wrong, but never a full detailed statement on what to do instead.
Heck, i think G.W. Bush is a poor Presidnet myself, but would of any other person do? I honestly dont know. But "x" amount of years later, when people still only make smart ass remarks about how "is war the answer" and "what could can come from it" and i say is this.
What should we of done/ Honestly no attitue here. A legit question. What should we of done?
Ill say this too, alot of bloggers will comment on this "comment." But i can almost swear no one will answer my question.
-Me again. I like to comment on your blog once in awhile. This is my second comment.

Klein said...

Watched it at East Way apartment E with Dave, Nate, and Aaron.

Pray first for His presence, then true peace will come. Everything else is a momentary fabrication. If we as a God fearing people still have peace problems with our marriages and friendships, true peace between nations is laughable.

Pray for more of his manifest presence.

Jessica (Probst) Eveland said...

I was getting ready to work my shift at Starbucks. I went into work and I was running the shift. We were flooded with people coming in to drink coffee and talk, cry and try to wrap their heads around what was happening. We got a call and I answered the phone - it was a bomb threat saying that they would kill everyone in the store. I cleared the store in 2 minutes. Yelled at everyone to get out now. Sat in the parking lot crying and called my manager. It was a different reality, a different world at that moment.

Anonymous - I think the answer is simple to war and the strife and conflict of this world - Jesus. He is the only answer to peace. Until His return we will always have war and rumors of war. I don't have another option for "solving" global crisis and conflict - no detailed plan other than what is in the bible, go to the nations and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus.

An Unlikely Retirement said...

I was making coffee when my phone rang, and a friend told me to turn on the TV. My (now) ex-husband was home, as we were leaving for Ashland that day. After some discussion, we went ahead and took our trip. Some of our friends thought we were selfish somehow. We found a candlelight vigil on a street corner in Ashland. It was very moving.