Monday, July 21, 2008

More politics

Shane Claiborne is out talking about his book "Jesus for President." Here's an interaction that happened at one of his gatherings. I liked it. What do you think?

Reporters often ask folks leaving our presentations funny questions like: "Young evangelicals are the swing vote in this election... has this evening affected how you are going to vote in November?" I heard one person say beautifully, "That's the wrong question... the real question is how can we become the change we want to see in the world TODAY and not just hope that every four years we can elect politicians to change the world for us." May it be so. May we continue to become the change we want to see in the Church and in the world. Enough donkeys and elephants - Long live the Lamb
My thoughts: It wasn't legislation in Rome that turned the world on its ear in the first century. It was a bunch of crazy followers of Jesus, led by the holy spirit, living out radical community and generosity, moving willingly into persecution and martyrdom. A handful of people that held up a different "way" to the world. The world was forced to listen. No guns...No abuse of lobbying to special interest.


JUAN said...

i like when you said... No lobbying to special interest...

Shannon Smith said...

I'm planning to go see Claiborne tomorrow night in Raleigh. I'm sure I'll have some thoughts to post afterward.

TheEpicBeat said...

Yep...Actually Rome started jacking everything up when they got involved. 300AD Constantine legalized it and it's never been the same.