Friday, November 23, 2007

Projects that wait till you move

1. Huge hole in the drywall behind your fridge that you put there to get the water line in.
2. Hole in the ceiling where a fan should go in the bathroom.
3. No baseboards in the laundry room
Every house I've ever moved into is a huge fixer upper. This happens every time. I move like crazy till it's almost all done...leave 7 annoying things that I will fix the week before I move....take that back...I call my father in law and have him come over and help me...thanks Bob. Anyone else do this? 7 places in eight years...same story every time.
Can't believe we are moving into a brand new place that is totally finished! I will have no idea what to do in this place.

1 comment:

escamillaweddings said...

i actually envy the amount of moving you and alyssa have done. i don't want to stay in one place forever. each move brings new adventures. life is anything but ordinary.

i am so stoked to read stories from after you've made your home in redding.