The blog roll is out of control
So many peeps joining the ranks.
I gotta give some love to Casey even though she throws a blog up every 6 months! She's the one that got me into this thing and it seems like a blog disease has infected Riverside...I love it!
I'm not gonna give you links to all of these because I'm lazy and I've already added them to the blog roll on the left side of my blog.
Here's the newest kids on Dan's blog:
-Andy Prickett: Guitar genius (Prayer Chain, The Violet Burning, Cush) I peed my pants a little when I saw that he had me linked on his blog.
-Bill Risinger: The rabbi from Salinas couldn't handle the pressure
-Brad Nelson: Great pastor at Mars Hill that I met at a conference
-Dave Stewart: Makes great guitars
-Elissa Gonzalez: Great stories about momhood.
-Janell Fagg: My cuz..twice removed...and then twice removed again!
-Mama Sue: Don't listen to any stories she tells you about me...I've never met the woman.
-Rob McInteer: The master of stuff no one else knows about. Great friend.
-Scott Ellis: Started a blog because he's married now and his wife made him ;)
-Yvonne Weinstein: The wobbly librarian...she's awesome
If I forgot you and you're a regular let me know. It's not on purpose...there's just a lot of you out there.
this may sound stalkerish but i ran into your blog a little while ago and check it randomly. sofia does have the "lance forehead." congratulations! things are aweome with me: workin at cbu and love it, working on a masters in couseling ministry and a masters in college student affairs, living on my own, sucstitute teaching on the side, and checkin out a new church. we'll have to keep up on each others' lives through our blogs, haha. i'll be reading.
I wish I could claim credit for getting Scott to blog...all that credit goes to Adam. :]
I do know stuff. And I have pictures. heh heh heh
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