More on the economics of Jesus
Go here. I link to Jesus Manifesto every month or so because I really like some of the ideas he comes up with. What do you think?
Go here. I link to Jesus Manifesto every month or so because I really like some of the ideas he comes up with. What do you think?
his comment on open source economy is what i've been thinking forever ... my passion being the "Christian music" scene that emulates the secular business model of record labels and executive-on-top making the money (not the creator) and holding the property to the point of stranglehold.
... addendum: of course i'd sell out too for a killer deal. mwahaha. ;)
so now that we have all these suggestions...what are we going to do with them?
My two "pastors", i.e the two guys on staff at our church, live together, and no it's not two single guys. One has a wife and three kids under 5, and the other is married.
And, I am all about the build it/fix it yourself. My wife says, we need a <blah>, and the first thing I think is can I build that?
Thanks for the link!
.escamilla., that is the question. We at Missio Dei are trying to live these things out. Usually we struggle with the ideas for a long time and then begin to feel like we're making headway. It is a long process. Sadly, I find that 90% of my christian friends aren't interested in these sorts of things and 9% are enthusiastic but never seem willing to take the steps into action. 1% is a small number to build a movement with. :(
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