Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I've got something in my pocket for you...

So I forgot to tell you about the other day. We are sitting at the dinner table and Zeke says, "Daddy, I got something for you in my pocket." I reach over to get it and he farts on my hand! Amazing. I have no idea where he picks this stuff up :) Alyssa and I laughed harder than we have in months. We seriously couldn't stop laughing. He's also doing this thing now where he asks everyone if they want a biscotti in an English accent. Most peoples first reaction is "did he just say what I think he said..." then they start crackin' up. Jenn made us some biscotti a while ago and he just started saying it with an English accent.
It's really amazing watching my son develop into this little character that loves to make people laugh. I hope he never loses that. He has the most infectious laugh of anyone I know. He teaches things everyday.

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