Tuesday, July 03, 2007

McLaren's ready to drop another bomb

You can pre-order now...click the picture. Here's a taste:
... "by postponing the essence of salvation to the
afterlife, and by assuming God plans to destroy the earth, the conventional view leads us to assume that the world will get worse and worse, and that this deterioration is in fact God's will or plan. This assumption would tend to create a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. Not only that, but in some versions of the conventional view, the worse the world gets, the better we should feel since salvation - meaning post-mortem salvation after the world is destroyed - is approaching. In too many cases, the conventional view can lead people to celebrate humanity's "progress" in self-destruction rather than seeking to turn it around. To put it bluntly, in terms of humanity and this earth, the conventional view too easily creates - unintentionally, of course - a kind of religious death wish." (84)


Anonymous said...

thats what i'm talkin' about

escamillaweddings said...

as much as i'm all about brian...and all about treating the earth with respect...i hope this doesn't turn out to be just another market to make money on. it's blowing up all over, which could be good...but could also blow up in the face of those who intend it for good.

ian said...

oh im sure it will be another market to make money in... tons of money. but i guess when even a little "good" is being done it's better than nothing at all, even if no one is profiting... maybe. this is completely uneducated guessing. but mclaren im sure is doing this from his understanding and heart, and im sure the popularity of it all pushed him into finishing this material but as for profit unless you're JK Rowling he's probably seeing enough to make his mortgage. i know you weren't implying him doing this for profit, but yeah. peace...