Saturday, May 05, 2007

Nouwen drops a butt-kicker

Why is Nouwen so money? Read this guys post
Nouwen has kicked my butt for my entire adult life. Tell me what you think. Seriously...someone comment about something that isn't just talking about my neck beard.


ian said...

It's all about one word churches fear most of all: "no."

ian said...

Ok, i'm giving a personal identity to a church building, i meant, one word _pastors_ fear the most ... "no."

ian said...

Oh, and nice neck beard, love how it blends into the chest. You knew it was coming.

Topherspoon said...

Why is Nouwen so money? Some people just "get it". And have God given giftings to say it in a way the rest of us "get". Nouwen is a wonderful gift to the church.