Thursday, April 26, 2007

Just when I thought Christians couldn't become any weirder (is that a word?)

I run across this website. That's right...holy ghost tees. Tee shirts with prophetic words of "tounges" on them. That's sure to change people's mind on how weird we are! Only 45 bucks for one of these bad boys that looks like something I could iron on for 2 bucks. Wow.


Anonymous said...

hahaha, i just ordered myself a style 1 tee - "A-Nin-Do-.." no wait "A-Nin-Di-O-Sha-Da". there we go. i love it.

H00KisBack said...

why oh why oh why oh why...?

ellieherrity said...

this is yet another reason why i want to do a Don Miller and set up a booth and apologize to everyone for 'christianity'.
and yes, i think weirder is a word. use it proudly.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your site. I also looked up the HolyGhostTees place. Now that is pushing the envelope a little more than I think it needs to be pushed.

Got your site from Pastor Chris (topherspoon). Thought you may like to view my website. Check it out at:

Pastor Paul

Savi said...

I really could not figure out what those t-shirts were saying. Eh. o___O