Friday, December 01, 2006

Obama's the bomb!

I've been at the HIV / AIDS summit the last two days at Saddleback. Check out the website. Barak Obama threw down today, I really enjoyed what he had to say. I'm so glad the right and left are both getting involved in the fight on AIDS. I came back realizing that I will probably end up adopting 30 kids from Africa and all over the world...better start buying some bunk beds. AIDS is everyones problem. 15 million orphans in Africa today because of AIDS, what the heck. Buy RED this Christmas. We already have all the crap we could ever need. Give your money to people that could really use it. More to say on this in the future...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey i put the productRED campaign in Anthem's top-16 weeks ago and it was booted off for some band!! Explain that! OHHH!!! OHHHH!@!@!@@!@