Pews, pulpits, pastors and preaching
Article by Dan Kimball. Good thoughts...I like Kimball, and who can't love his hair?
Article by Dan Kimball. Good thoughts...I like Kimball, and who can't love his hair?
Posted by
rev rock
10:13 AM
Labels: ministry
That's right...I brought the bald to the pulpit. It was a lot different talking to so many people but it was really cool. You can listen to the message if the subject matter interests you at all. I shared a lot from a new book I read twice when I was on vacation. It completely blew me away. It's called the Secret Message of Jesus by Brian McLaren (see pic). He talks about how we've put so much emphasis on personal salvation and the hope of escaping this earth for heaven when we die that we have neglected Jesus' greatest teaching on the Kingdom of God...God's dream for this world. You should get the book and talk to me about's a book you have to talk to someone about. Share some thoughts from this weekend if you have any. I'm honestly not looking for props, but I'd love to hear if God was doing anything new in your heart.
Posted by
rev rock
8:51 AM
Labels: books
We got back today from our was amazing! 8 days: eat, drink, sleep, read, lay on a beach, then repeat. Can't beat that with a stick. We're all about freestylin' with Norwegian cruise lines. We were on the Norwegian Star (It was huge.) Two days at sea...Acapolco, Zihuatanejo / Ixtapa, Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, and a day back at sea. We went with Trav and Annette Osborne. Sorry for no posts while I was gone...Internet access was a $3.95 set up charge and $1 a minute...what a deal! More to come about the cruise. It's tough sufferin' for the Lord!
Posted by
rev rock
7:28 PM
Labels: vacation
Another great weekend at the Grove. I didn't make it Saturday night because we had the Dunlaps, O'Ferrel's, Schultz's and Day's over for was great times. This morning was great...this guy in our church put together this amazing video before the service for our veterans. We had all the people that have served in the military stand up and I saw my grandpa along with my friends Darryl and Bobby stand up in front of me and it really makes you appreciate the people that defend us everyday when we think nothing about it.
Then my dad gave this message on contentment (Listen to the message). I suck at contentment...don't get me wrong, I am stoked about where God has me but I find myself struggling with certain aspects of life. I'm always looking ahead, never really focused on what's right in front of me. Thinking about when my son will be five instead of three and we can play catch and have real conversations...instead of loving the fact that he's a crack up right now and he constantly says no and pulls his mattress off his bed every day and jumps on it for 2 hours before he takes a nap. Why can't I see how cool that is and how much I do love this stage of his life. I counsel people all the time and tell them to be 100% right where God has them right now but I have the hardest time doing that myself. Maybe that's because we've moved five times in the last six years...what were we thinking. I think the idea of staying put for while and knowing we wont have to move is slowly giving me a sense of peace and contentment. I take a long time to learn. Anyone else with me?
Posted by
rev rock
11:24 PM
Labels: grove
Here are some of my mac buddies. We had Jason and Damien over last night for dinner but we spent most of the time talking mac. I'm just an apprentice but Jason is like a Jedi in the mac world. I have much to learn.
We look like we could be a band...not a good one...but a band none the less!
Posted by
rev rock
9:44 AM
Labels: friends
Question: How many Chuck Norris' does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: None, Chuck Norris prefers to kill in the dark!
Little known fact: Chuck was not born with feet...just boots!
Posted by
rev rock
9:33 AM
Labels: funny
We got Al Harrington back from Atlanta and he's gone for 32 points twice this last week. Indiana's at 4-2...tops in the Central. Watch out.
Posted by
rev rock
12:04 PM
Labels: sports
Debbie Downer
I'm preaching on November 25-26. I'm talking about thanks so I thought I would talk about it being easier to see the negative in everything. This clip kills me. Can you think of anything else that I could use?
Posted by
rev rock
11:14 AM
Labels: funny
Well I've stayed on pace with my reading in Acts so has been a whole week now. It's cool to read Acts in big chunks that the Bible in a year gives you because you really start reading it like a story. I just read in Acts 14:19-20 this morning, "Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead. But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe."
How do you get up the next day after someone tried to stone you and say..."yep, let's go to Derbe...that sounds good." Paul was gotta love the Bible.
Posted by
rev rock
10:14 AM
Labels: bible
Cheerleaders gone wild
New respect for cheerleaders...ouch!
Posted by
rev rock
10:12 AM
Labels: funny
Here's a couple of upcoming projects that I want to let you know about. One involves hanging Christmas lights for widows, single moms, and handicapped people. The other is refurbishment and repair work at the King’s Hall homeless shelter. Call and leave you name and number at 951-779-6267 if you would like to help with either of these.
Posted by
rev rock
2:14 PM
Labels: ministry
Our Life Group rules. We met last night and had a great time. I love how Mihn is hiding behind me in this picture and it looks like I have some weird growth with hair on my head. We are discussing the book, Putting a face on grace by Richard Blackaby. I would really recommend it.
Posted by
rev rock
1:03 PM
Labels: friends
The Colts are my favorite team and have been for about 10 don't tell me I'm a front runner. I've always loved Peyton Manning and after hearing pastor Bill talk about Tony Dungy this weekend...who wouldn't love the Colts. By the way...they pulled off a great win last night over the Patriots!
Posted by
rev rock
9:22 AM
Labels: sports
I'm going to play in a scramble golf tournament for CBU today. I'm playing with my dad, Kendall Brown, and Joe Hobbs. To be honest I'm in it for the raffle prizes, I got some sweet stuff last year. Although winning would be cool too...I'll keep you posted.
Posted by
rev rock
9:19 AM
Labels: sports
Here's a pic of my fam. I can't figure out how to put the picture in my profile. My wife's name is Alyssa (she's the hot one that's the female in the picture) and that's my son, Ezekiel Thomas Bono Lance...keepin' it reeeal.
Posted by
rev rock
3:01 PM
Labels: family
Trunk and treat was ridiculous this year at the Grove. I think 4 people decided not to come from the entire I.E. This was my favorite costume...Tetris blocks! How cool is that. When I was a kid I dressed up every year like a know...the vasaline on the face with the coffee grounds for the beard and the stick with the bandana tied to it. Don't laugh, we were poor.
Posted by
rev rock
9:55 AM
Labels: grove
Man I get so far behind in my one year Bible, I feel like such a bum. I would love to read through the Bible every year. I feel like I lose content so quickly that it's really important for me to get through the whole thing as often as I can. I just finished Isaiah today and figured I would jump to wherever I should be and it took me to Acts 1. I was pumped to start Acts and I really want to stay on track and finish through Revelation by the end of the year. Anyone willing to kick my butt and make sure it happens?
Posted by
rev rock
9:49 AM
Labels: bible